Stem Cell Therapy for Ulcerative Colitis
Symptoms of Ulcerative Colitis
The symptoms of Ulcerative Colitis vary from minor to debilitating and can significantly affect your quality of life. The diagnoses is made once a patient presents with a flare. Flares can last weeks to months. The acute symptoms include multiple bowel moements per day with or without blood and mucus. Chronic abdominal pain with cramping and nausea, extreme fatigue and anemia are also common. Patients with irritable bowel disease are extremely malnourished due to the inability to absorb nutrients from their food. For this reason, they get sick often, lose hair, and have overall weakness.
Ulcerative Colitis Treatments
Conventional treatments for Ulcerative Colitis are quite standard. In general, prednisone is used to treat the flares. Some patients stay on a low dose for long term. Others manage symptoms by taking a biologic and use the prednisone only when having a flare. Unfortunately, biologics are immunosuppressive drugs which are never good to take for long term. This class of medications which are chemotherapy agents put you at risk for developing cancer and increase your vulnerability to infections such as colds and flus. These drugs are metabolized by the kidneys and liver so you must be closely monitored with blood work if taking them long term. The downfall of conventional treatments for IBD (irritiable bowel disease) is that the goal is to control symptoms, not reverse disease; therefore, the patient can never stop taking the medications. When one biologic stops working they switch you to a different one. Treatments that manage symptoms do not prevent the possiblity of a partial or complete colectomy. Many who get diagnosed with ulcerative colitis are young adults. This leaves decades for the disease to progress, even with the management of symptoms.
If your quality of life has been diminished by this potentially terminal illness it’s time to look at something that may just change your life.
Stem Cell IV Therapy for Ulcerative Colitis
maNow there is a treatment that has shown to benefit patients long term. It has a dramatic effects within just a few months. Patients report a significant improvement in quality of life. The number of bowel movements is reduced to a normal number and bleeding stops or is greatly reduced. The abdominal pain goes away, the patient gains weight, and gets sick less often. The most significant benefit is not having to live with flares that disrupt your life.
How do stem cells help with Ulcerative Colitis?
Stem cell infusions deposit millions of health building and immunoprivledged cells into the system. Stem cells respond to cytokine signaling from injured tissue, so in this case the stem cells would migrate to colonic tissue. There they reduce inflammation and facilitate healing and repair. Here you can see the colonic tissue before and 12 months after a patient received the stem cell treatment which shows significantly less inflammation and lesions. Less inflamation means a balancing effect on the number of bowel movements, less pain and a reduction in diarrhea and constipation. Studies are ongoing as to the many benefits of this life changing treatment for IBD patients. For more information on how the stem cells work in the body visit our FAQ page
What results can I expect?
Long term studies have been done which all show significant improvement in both clinical symptoms and imaging. Some patients may feel a difference in their overall health in just a few weeks. They experience increased stamina and strength. Full results are felt in 3-12 months. A healthy lifestyle is important in maximizing the benefits of the stem cell treatement. So we offer our 90 day regenerative program which includes ongoing dietary recommendations to help you achieve long lasting results.
Call 480-334-8278 for a complimentary consult with the physician to go over your case or make an online request for a call back.
Simon Havert, Las Vegas
“I got a stem cell IV from Dr. Hendricks in Nov. 2019. It’s been 15 months and I still can’t believe the change. It took almost 2 months for there to be a very noticeable change. I gained 5 lbs the first month and it has steadily gone up. I used to have up to 14 BM’s per day with blood and could barely leave the house. None of the drugs worked and I didn’t want surgery! Now I can eat like my friends and go out. I couldn’t be more happy with my decision. Thank you Dr. Hendricks!”
Results vary patient to patient. No gurantee of success or claim of cure is being made. The use of treatments on this site require doctor evaluation and laboratory testing along with consideration of the risks, benefits, and other options before they are recommneded or prescribed. No offer is being made for any treatment without undergoing a medical records review or clinical work up, discussion of the nature of the evidence, risks, and benefits for a therapeutic approach specific to the patient including a discussion of treatment options. Therapies may be designed to strengthen the colon, rather than as specific treatments for a certain medical condition.