Stem Cell Therapy Frequently Asked Questions
What is Regeneration?
Regeneration is the process of renewal and restoration, whereby diseased or older tissue is replaced by healthy new tissue. With the help of stem cells, patients can now experience a healing of chronic disease, that until now was impossible.
What can Stem Cells Do?
Build, repair and replace diseased tissue with healthy new tissue. Stem cells have the ability to replicate and differentiate into different tissues, where there is tissue damage. They help modulate the immune response, thus reducing inflammation. Stem cells respond to paracrine signaling from the body cells and migrate to the areas of injury. MSC’s (mesenchymal stem cells) also have an anti-microbial effect against acute and chronic infections
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FDA Statement Concerning Treatments
The use of STEM CELL treatments are NOT FDA approved. Even though these treatments are investigational, highly promising and significant results have been documented. Because randomized, double-blinded studies have not been completed, STEM CELL treatments should be considered investigational. As with all treatments, results meeting your expectations cannot be guaranteed.