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Doctor Consult 

To schedule your Free Stem Cell Consultation call 480-334-8278 or fill out the contact form below. 

    What can Stem cells Do? 

    Stem cells, once administered intravenously or into a joint begin to assist in the repair and replacement of diseased tissue with new healthy tissue. In circulation, they modulate the body’s immune response and reduce inflammation. Stem cells respond to paracrine signaling from the body cells by migrating to the area of injury. They have the ability to replicate and differentiate into different cell types. Stem cell treatments also have an anti-microbial effect against acute and chronic systemic infections.

    How is the treatment done?

    Intravenous or local injection.

    Is the treatment safe?

    Stem cell treatments are extremely safe and have no side effects. The stem cells we use come from a lab which is registered with all three regulatory bodies, the FDA, AATB and AABB. This means that the lab not only has to follow safe tissue guidelines, but it is under constant audit by all three regulatory bodies for safe tissue practices. There has been no harmful reactions with our stem cells in over 44,000 patients.

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    Stem Cell Therapy can help with:

    -Autoimmune Disease (MS, Ulcerative Colitis, Crohn’s, RA)
    -Lyme Disease
    -Chronic pain
    -Strength & Anti-aging
    -Drug Detox

    What is Regeneration?

    Regeneration is the process of renewal and restoration, whereby diseased or older tissue is replaced by healthy new tissue. With the help of stem cells, patients can now experience a healing of their chronic disease that until now was impossible.