What is Regenerative Medicine
Regenerative medicine involves treatments that assist the body in healing and replacing old diseased tissue with new viable tissue. This takes place naturally throughout the body, however as we age, our healing abilities decline. Regenerative treatments such as stem cell IV’s are a powerful anti-aging therapy. As joints and organs deteriorate, disease sets in and we experience the symptoms such as chronic pain and inflammation. Conventional medicine aims at treating the symptoms with antiinflammatories and pain medications. However, these come with side effects and long term health consequences. Surgeries such as knee replacement or colectomies are invasive and have risks. If the patient chooses a stem cell treatment, the affected tissue will heal and become stronger, resulting in a significant if not elimination of the symptoms. Now the patient can cease taking the medications for pain and inflammation.
What is Stem Cell Therapy
Stem Cell therapy involves the injection of stem cells into the body. Local joint injections are done for knees, shoulders, ankles, back and neck. Infusions or IV’s of stem cells treat conditions such as Multiple Sclerosis, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Crohn’s Disease, Ulcerative Colitis, Traumatic Brian Injury, kidney and liver disease, and so much more. Patients will also get this IV as a wellness infusion. Many studies are underway for these treatments with promising results.
How Do Stem Cells Work?
Stem cells are undifferentiated cells that have the ability to differentiate into different cells such as intestinal cells, nerve cells, ligament, tendon, etc. When stem cells are injected into a joint, they respond to cytokine signaling by the injured cells and migrate to that area. There they initiate healing to create stronger ligaments and tendons. This is opposite to what steroid injections do which breaks down ligaments and tendons. In the case of infusions, stem cells migrate to the area of injury such as in the lungs for COPD or cardiac tissue. There they initiate the healing and rebuilding by secreting cytokines and growth factors to create a stronger more functional organ. Stem cells have the ability to reproduce which is valuable in the case of regenerative ability.
Where do Stem cells come from?
There are 4 sources of stem cells.
- Embryonic
- Bone Marrow
- Adipose
- Umbilical Cord/Wharton’s Jelly
The first source is created as in utero. This source is illegal to use in treaments.
Bone marrow is the source that has been used the longest. It is however, not a good source for infusions. It can be a good treatment for joints if the patient is young and healthy.
Adipose tissue has been widely used for joints and also IV’s. However, recently the FDA is citing clinics for using adipose as it has been causing infections. When a patient decides on using their own body as a source, there is no guarantee on the number or viability of the aspirate the doctor obtains from the surgical procedure. It is also invasive and may require anesthesia.
Umbilical cord/wharton’s jelly is the source that is safest for IV’s and very concentrated in stem cells, cytokines and growth factors.
Are Amniotic Fluid injections the same as stem cell injections?
While amniotic fluid does contain stem cells, it’s not enough to call it a stem cell treatment, although many clinics still call it that. It is important to have full disclosure to the patient that amniotic injections contain mostly cytokines and growth factors and just a few stem cells. This injection is very effective for joint arthritis, however it will not be effective when administered as an IV.
What are the advantages of Stem Cell Therapy?
- Safe and non-invasive office procedure.
- No rejection by the immune system as umbilical cord stem cells are immunoprivledged
- Our stem cells come from an FDA, AATB, AABB registered lab and have had no adverse events in
over 800,000 patients treated with these stem cells - Guaranteed number of cells in each injection
- Most patients experience pain relief within a month
Let Us Help You Get Your Life Back
There Are 3 Main Treatments for Chronic Disease
Invasive with long recovery time. Risks associated with anesthesia and blood clots. Development of scar tissue which often leads to the need for future procedures.
Risk for addiction. Condition progresses due to deterioration of tissues. Adverse side effects and risk to liver, kidney, and intestines.
Safe in office procedure with no down time. Pain and inflammation are dramatically reduced. No adverse side effects. Stem cells regenerate ligaments, tendons, cartilage, organ and nerve tissue.
Why Stem Cell Therapy?
Stem cells have the unique ability to divide and differentiate into different tissues. Once injected, they travel to areas of injury to begin the renewal process. Now there is an alternative to surgery and medications, and that is regenerative medicine! This is a powerful treatment that assists the body’s own healing process. No downtime and you can feel less pain within a week. Our stem cell treatments have been used on over 55,000 patients and there has not been one adverse effect reported.