Stem Cell Therapy for Multiple Sclerosis

multiple sclerosisMultiple Sclerosis is the most common disabeling neurological condition in young adults aged 20-40. There is no known cure and the condition is typically progressive. Treatments are focused on managing symptoms and minimizing flares.

MS symptoms and Diagnoses

Symptoms are unpredictable and come and go. The autoimmunity targets the myelin sheath with protects the nerves. Beginning symptoms include severe fatigue, blurry vision, muscle weakness, numbness and tingling. As the condition progresses, the patient may experience spasticity, paralysis, and urinary incontinence. Labs and neurological tests are done early on. A confirmative diagnoses is made by a spinal tap and brain MRI.

Multiple Sclerosis Treatments

Treatments for MS are similar to all other autoimmune conditions. A biologic such as Natalizumab is infused once per month. Other drugs include Beta-Interferon medications. Corticosteroids are used short term for flares. All of these suppress the immune system. The biologics tend to work well for one to two years, then the effectiveness goes down so the patient must switch to a different biologic. Biologics have long term consequences due to the immune suppression such as cancer. Patients on these medications experience the side effects of flu like symptoms and fatigue. For flares medications such as prednisone are used short term. Oftentimes patients depend on over the counter medications such as advil or ibuprophen for muscular pain. These take a toll on the liver and kidney when taken consistently for long term.

Regenerative Medicine

In recent years stem cell infusions have gained a lot of recognition for their benefits in autoimmune conditions such as Multiple Sclerosis. The mechanism of action is best desribed as anti-inflammatory and immune modulating. Stem cells when administered via an IV, go to the areas of tissue injury. There they secrete valuable proteins such as cytokines and growth factors which assist in cellular repair. In addition stem cells have the ability to become different kinds of functional cells such as muscular, connective, nerve and cartilage. Even some organ cells such as intestinal and pancreatic may develop from exogenous stem cells. This incredible life changing treatment when combined with an anti-inflammatory diet has the possiblity of liberating patients from the harmful medications, and by doing so increase the quality of life. Our patients experience more energy, stamina, strength, mobility and less pain overall. See our Research Page

Don’t wait another day to find out what is possible for you. Call 480-334-8278 or fill out our  Contact Page to schedule a complimentary consultation.

Individual responses vary considerably and depend upon the stage of disease, age and pre-existing conditions, and other individual differences such as lifestyle. Individual results vary, and discussion of successful cases is intended to educate about what may be possible and do not indicate that they will be successful in all patients. There are no guarantees that benefits will be obtained or adverse events will be avoided. The intended use of stem cells on this website is for immune system modulation only.

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